Apply for GeneSys-Access

GeneSys is available to all members of the Association of the four Baltic noble corporations. Every authorized person is allowed to search the database free of charge for

  • Individuals
  • their anchestors
  • their relation to other individuals in the database
  • picture of individuals, manors and tombs

It is not allowed to copy or transfer any GeneSys-data to publicly available online-database or websites. Any incident is directly followed by the loss of the access.

I am member of the Association of the baltic noble corporations and apply for general access.
(Access to data from living individuals is prohibited due to privacy rights.)

I already have a GeneSys access code and apply for access to the data of living individuals.

Adobe Acrobat Dokument [533.5 KB]


I am member of a family belonging to the Noble corporation of Livonia, Estonia, Courland and Oesel and apply for membership in the Association of the Baltic Noble Corporations (Verband der Baltischen Ritterschaften e.V.)
(As soon as you have received the confirmation of your membership, you are egligible to apply for GeneSys access.)

Adobe Acrobat Document 50.0 KB